Owners of works attributed to Mark Tobey may get an expertise (photo-certificate), if the work is authentic in the opinion of the CMT.
Written expertises (photo-certificates) will be made only with the presentation of 2 black/white photos (at least 20 x 15 cm / 8” x 6” ) and 1 colour transparency or 1 colour photo ( 20 x 15 cm / 8” x 6”) of the image and 1 photo of the reverse of the work.
Alternatively expertises based on .jpg-images of high quality (min. 300 dpi) of the work and its reverse can be provided.
In both cases, please add a short description of the work – medium, support, size, and for our archives, if possible, provenance, literature.
1 b/w photo and the transparency remain in the CMT archives and the 2nd b/w photo serves for the certificate.
If the committee cannot decide on the base of photos or .jpg, the work itself has to be shown to the committee.
In this case, the owner is responsible for organisation of shipping to and back, insurance etc. of the work.
For written expertises a fee has to be paid.
To contact the CMT for expertises, please write to:
CMT office
c/o Dr. Heiner Hachmeister
Klosterstr. 12
48143 Muenster
Tel. + 49 – 251-51210
info [ at ] cmt-marktobey [ . ] net
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